مدارک و مستندات افزایش سرمایه
مستندات افزایش سرمایه تایید شده سازمان بورس و اوراق بهادار تهران مورخ 1403/05/20 از محل مطالبات حال شده و آورده نقدی سهامداران به شرح ذیل قابل دانلود میباشد. گزارش افزایش سرمایه سازمان حسابرسی (2) بیانیه ثبت (1) آگهی روزنامه پذیره نویسی (1) …
Hamoon Saba investment was unveiled in the first market
To the buyers of the initial public offering of “Vahamoon” shares, according to the number of shares allocated on the day of the initial public offering, the subordinated sale options of these shares will be added to their assets. Today, August 26, 1400, the fourth initial public offering of Iran was made this year, during which 15% of the shares of Hamoon Saba Investment Company in the symbol of “Wehamun” were offered in the first OTC market and the price of each share of this company was 1902 Rials. Today’s buyers are insured According to the OTC Communications Management of …